Social Networks Autoposter (SNAP) Addons – Multi-Account and Multi-User
SNAP Multi-Account Addon
Would you like to auto-post or import from more then one social media account?
SNAP Multi-Account addon allows you to add unlimited number of connections and accounts to auto-post or auto-import.
Social Networks Autoposter (SNAP) Addons – Extra Features
Scheduled and Delayed Posting
This addon adds an ability to either delay your autoposts for specified time or set an exact time when autopost should be made..
Social Networks Autoposter (SNAP) Addons – API

Premium API
Premium API adds an ability to autopost to networks without free native API or with limited native API such as Pinterest, Reddit, Xing, Google My Business, etcÂ
Social Networks Autoposter (SNAP) Addons – Import

Automated Content Importer
Posting to social media is easy and convenient. Automated Social Media Content Importer will grab whatever you post on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc… accounts and import it to your website.
Coming Soon...

Comments Importer
Get comments/replies from your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube posts and import them as comments to your website posts. Plugin could mix it with regular WP Comments or keep them separately.Â
Coming Soon...
Social Networks Autoposter (SNAP) Addons – Video

Video importer/Autoposter
Import videos from YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
Auto-post videos to YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
Coming Soon...
Get Addons Bundles Save up to 30% Off
Bundle few addons together and save. We have few different options availabe including All Access Pass that will give you all current and future addons.

All Autopost Addons
- Premium API ($49.95/year)
- SNAP Multiple Accounts Addon ($49.95/year) Free
- Scheduled and Delayed Posting Addon ($14.95/year)
- Proxies Addon ($14.95/year)
$129.80/year $69.95/year

All Access Pass
All Access Pass gives you all current and future addons*.
- SNAP Multiple Users Addon ($149.95/year)
- SNAP Multiple Accounts Addon ($49.95/year)
- Premium API ($49.95/year)
- Scheduled and Delayed Posting Addon ($14.95/year)
- Proxies Addon ($14.95/year)
- Automated Content Importer Addon ($49.95/year) [Coming Soon]
- Video Importer/Autoposter Addon ($29.95/year) [Coming Soon]
- ***All Future Addons***
$359.65/year $249.95/year